Health Benefits of Elderberry

Health Benefits of Elderberry

Recognised Health Benefits of Elderberry

There are many reported health benefits of elderberry.

Not only are they nutritious, but they may also fight cold and flu symptoms, support heart health and fight inflammation and infections, among other benefits.

Elderberries are a low-calorie food packed with vitamin C, dietary fiber and antioxidants in the form phenolic acids, flavonols and anthocyanins. The flowers are particularly rich in flavonols.

Elderberry extract has been found to reduce the length and severity of symptoms caused by the influenza virus. While these results are promising, further large-scale human studies are needed.

Black elderberry extracts and flower infusions have been shown to reduce the severity and length of influenza (8Trusted Source).

Commercial preparations of elderberry for the treatment of colds come in various forms, including liquids, capsules, lozenges and gummies.

One study of 60 people with influenza found that those who took 15 ml of elderberry syrup four times per dayshowed symptom improvement in two to four days, while the control group took seven to eight days to improve (Trusted Source).

Another study of 64 people found that taking 175-mg elderberry extract lozenges for two days resulted in significant improvement in flu symptoms, including fever, headache, muscle aches and nasal congestion, after just 24 hours

Furthermore, a study of 312 air travelers taking capsules containing 300 mg of elderberry extract three times per day found that those who got sick experienced a shorter duration of illness and less severe symptoms (Trusted Source).

Further large-scale studies are required to confirm these results and determine if elderberry may also play a role in preventing influenza (Trusted Source).

Note that the majority of research has only been performed on commercial products, and there is little information about the safety or efficacy of homemade remedies (Trusted Source).

While there is no one-size-fits-all remedy for illness, supporters of elderberry say the fruit is one of nature’s most versatile solutions for what ails you.There are about 30 types of elder plants and trees found around the world. The European version (also known as Sambucus nigra) is the one most closely tied to your health and healing.

Its history dates as far back as 400 BC, and Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” called the elder tree his “medicine chest.”

In folk medicine today, the health benefits of elderberry are widely considered one of the world’s most healing plants.

The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They can help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too.Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

It’s also been used as a treatment for:

Elderberry refers to several varieties of the Sambucus tree, which has clusters of white flowers and black or blue-black berries. The most common variety is Sambucus nigra, also known as European elderberry or black elderberry.

High in Antioxidants

During normal metabolism, reactive molecules may be released that can accumulate in the body. This can cause oxidative stress and lead to the development of diseases like type 2 diabetes and cancer (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Antioxidants are natural components of foods, including some vitamins, phenolic acids and flavonoids, that are able to remove these reactive molecules.

Research suggests that diets high in antioxidants may help prevent chronic disease (5, 12Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

The flowers, fruits and leaves of the elderberry plant are excellent sources of antioxidants. For example, anthocyanins found in the berries have 3.5 times the antioxidant power of vitamin E (Trusted Source).

One study comparing 15 different varieties of berries and another study comparing types of wine found that elderberry is one of the most effective antioxidants (Trusted Source).

Additionally, one study found that antioxidant status improved in people one hour after drinking 400 ml of elderberry juice. Another study in rats found that elderberry extract helped reduce inflammation and oxidative tissue damage .

While health benefits of elderberry have shown promising results in the lab, research in humans and animals is still limited. Generally, consuming it in the diet has only a small effect on antioxidant status

In addition, the processing of elderberries, such as extraction, heating or juicing, can reduce their antioxidant activity

Therefore, products like syrups, juices, teas and jams may have reduced benefits compared to some results seen in laboratory studies .

May Be Good for Heart Health

Elderberry may have positive effects on some markers of heart and blood vessel health.

Studies have shown elderberry juice may reduce the level of fat in the blood and decrease cholesterol. In addition, a diet high in flavonoids like anthocyanins has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Elderberry has some benefits for heart health, such as reducing cholesterol, uric acid and blood sugar levels. However, further research is needed to demonstrate if these effects are significant in humans.

Health Risks and Side Effects

While health benefits of elderberry have some promising potential benefits, there are also some dangers associated with its consumption.

The bark, unripe berries and seeds contain small amounts substances known as lectins, which can cause stomach problems if too much is eaten.

In addition, the elderberry plant contains substances called cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide in some circumstances. This is a toxin also found in apricot seeds and almonds

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